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Fantomina - Eliza Haywood

Fantomina, or Love in a Maze, by Eliza Haywood was very interesting and differnt from the other works we have read this semester. This is a story about a woman who constantly changes her appearance and her identity to be with the one she loves. Because she changes her identity, she is able to have power and take charge over the man that she loves, Beauplasir which is something that hasn't really been seen in other class readings - a woman taking charge of a man.

In this story, Haywood focuses on sex. Because of Fantomina's rank, she is restricted by rules, preventing her from being able to pursue Beauplasir. She is tired of being held back by the rules and not being able to pursue love. This causes her to change her appearance and identity four times: a prositiute Fantomina, a maid Celia, a widow and a rich woman. She changed her appearance every time Beauplasir was over her. He was unaware and never realized that she was the same woman just dressed differently. This allows her to help prove her point that men only want sex. However, she becomes pregnant which upsets her mother. As a result of this, she spills, telling Beauplasir the truth about her different identities and personalities. Her mother then sends her away to a monestary in France for here careless and manipulative actions.

Fantomina gave women power, something that they haven't had before which was a nice change to see.

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