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By Night when Others Soundly Slept - Anne Bradstreet

In this poem, the importance of religion can be seen. Anne Bradstreet’s love and relationship with God is seen as she talks about when she cannot sleep at night she uses this time of peace and quiet to connect with God.

"I sought him whom my Soul did Love, With tears I sought him earnestly. He bow’d his ear down from Above."

He is always there to listen to her. In the quiet, late night hours, she can focus and vent, letting her emotions go. When it is this late hour, she can find herself, bettering her relationship with God as she truly loves him, staying loyal to him as he helps her through all of her problems and doubts.

"My smarting wounds washt in his blood, And banisht thence my Doubts and fears."

"I’ll serve him here whilst I shall live And Loue him to Eternity."

Because of this and the strong relationship she has with him, she will always love him forever, and he will influence her and her life as well as many others during this time period.

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