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An Answer to Another Persuading a Lady to Marriage - Katherine Philips

In this poem, Katherine Philips is discussing how to propose to a woman properly, making it easy for men to understand. She clearly states that women are not all meant to be hoursewives. They are strong, independent and intelligent. "She should depose her self to be A pretty household god?" Women should not be expected to be housewives when they get married. No husband should expect this from their wife, allowing them to do as they wish encouraging their strengths and intelligence.

After this, she states the proper way to propose. "First make the sun in private shine, And bid the world adieu,That so he may his beams confine In complement to you." She then goes on to say that women should be treated with respect and treated as humans and part of society. Husbands should always make their wives happy, "But if of that you do despair, Think how you did amiss,To strive to fix her beams which are More bright and large than this." Her happiness is the most important thing in marriage, so do not confine or limit her.

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