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Queen Elizabeth I - On Monsieur’s Departure

On Monsieur's Departure is about how she lost her lover. He had to leave which upset the queen. Although she is upset, she has to stay strong and not look weak for her people. The people did not like her monsieur so when he left, she had to pretend like she did not like him and was not upset by it, "I freeze and yet am burned." She has to act one way, pretending to block all of her emotions, but the love she has for her is still burining and real. She has to hide her love for him which causes pain.

She is unhappy and finds it difficult to find happiness. The only way she thinks that she will be happy and be free of this pain is to die. If she dies then she does not have to deal with any of the conflicting emotions anymore. Her feelings are intense and all over the place. She starts by saying that she is a fragile woman but then contradicts herself saying that he needed to be more mean and cruel to her. Her thought was that if he was mean to her and treated her poorly, it would be easier for her to get over him. If she cannot get over him and figure out her emotions, she rather die, saving herself from the pain and suffering she has felt after her monsieur left, "let me live with some more sweet content, Or die and so forget what love ere meant." She had conflicting emotions which confused and frustrated her.

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