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A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf

It is crazy to think that in the past women did not have the freedom we currently have nowadays. Being confined to the house and to be chaperoned around whenever leaving the house is a foreign thought me.

“Debarred from all improvements of the mind, and to be dull, expected and designed.”

“They tell us we mistake our sex and way; good breeding, fashion, dancing, dressing, play, are the accomplishments we should desire; to write, or read, or think, or to enquire, would cloud our beauty, and exhaust our time, and interrupt the conquests of our prime.”

These quotes stood out to me because women could not live up to their full potential. They were limited in what they could and could not do, not to mention the fact that they were confined to their houses and only allowed out being accompanied by their father, husband or sons. They were expected to be the perfect wife, nothing spectacular, only taking care of household chores and the children. Now, women do not have restrictions like this as they are able to go out and have jobs in many different fields whether it is politics, government, law enforcement, medicine, business, etc. Even in sports, there are so many possibilities for women to push boundaries and prove that they are strong and fierce and do not have to be dressed up all of the time. Take Ronda Rousey for example. She is the UFC Women’s champion who defeated Zingano with an armbar in 14 seconds, the shortest match in UFC championship history. MMA is not a sport that would be socially accepted for women in the 19th century. There are so many different opportunities for women, and they are encouraged to be anything but dull in order to better themselves and their future possibilities.

“She had to work on equal terms with men. She made, by working very hard, enough to live on…the freedom of the mind, or rather the possibility that in the course of time the mind will be free to write what it likes. For now that Aphra Behn had done it, girls could go to their parents and say, You need not give me an allowance; I can make money by my pen.”

This quote stood out to me because it shows how Aphra Behn showed women the possibilities that were out there for them. She was independent, strong and smart. They could go out and make money for themselves, to support themselves. They no longer needed to be confined to their houses and be controlled by any men. Women could do what they wanted without being constrained by any men. She gave other girls the confidence to go out and support themselves and do as they wish. Hilary Clinton running for president is a current example for girls showing them the possibilities they have for their future.

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